
About iPM

Capital Improvement Projects at healthcare institutions generate excellent opportunity for business growth through improved capacity, better capabilities, a higher standard of care, and ultimately greater revenue. At the same time, this excellent growth opportunity will inherently generate a business risk if the initiative is not actively managed. This risk presents itself by way of a slowly evolving mission, continuous program updates and project scope creep. This “quicksand condition” can be exacerbated during execution through construction cost overruns, delays, and regulatory tie-ups.

The iPM division of GeniSys has been working with healthcare system administrators on hundreds of projects to effectively ensure that each project plan is clearly developed and then advances with predictable outcomes, beginning with concept development and ending only after the facility is fully functional. Our project team leaders absorb the mission and vision of the institutional leaders, and organize the project team in creating the outcomes needed for the institution. We lead our network of planners, clinical experts, attorneys, architects, engineers and builders in creating actionable project goals and delivering projects by exceeding those objectives.

Planning and Constructing Workable Healthcare Environments

The sheer complexity of a Healthcare Capital Improvement Project can be overwhelming to an administrator when, invariably, the responsibility is added to a person with expertise in hospital administration where they are fully engaged already.

Our team is accustomed to asking the difficult questions early so firm, clear and certain decisions are built into the plan, and not being addressed as expensive afterthoughts during a construction.

Will the regulatory entities endorse or resist the new plan?

Is patient access a priority and has it been clearly improved in the project?

Will the plans, contracts, and approach meet the requirements of the finance community?

Can Central Sterile respond to the increased demand of the new OR program?

How will this addition impact existing parking, and will more be required after occupancy?

Can the construction trade market respond to the demand of a major project, considering material and labor availability?

Can the building infrastructure deliver the required capacity of cooling, emergency power, air and hot water needed to make the whole campus function efficiently?

What will be the change in cost to operate the facility, in staffing and energy, after the Project is completed?

Plan. Design. Construct.

We learn our client’s healthcare program needs; we conceptualize a solution with them. We prepare studies, create budgets, develop timelines and build teams with detailed performance metrics that will execute on projects with precision. Our projects translate healthcare business goals into well executed projects. These results repeatedly stand up to all levels of operational, regulatory and financial scrutiny.

Add Experience to the Planning Process

The adage of “Plan the work, then work the plan” applies well to Capital Project Management, from beginning the development of a concept all the way through to seeing the care and comfort being provided to the first patient in a newly completed space. Our approach applies to the largest replacement hospitals as well as to the smallest diagnostic renovations.

Contact Information

Please reach out to us today to discuss how our team can make you successful in healthcare project execution.

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